What Is Size 28? Source: bing.com

Size 28 is a sizing system used to identify clothing sizes for women, men, and children. It is based on body measurements, with different standards for different countries and brands. The size 28 is typically used for women’s clothing, and is identified as a size 6 in the US and UK, a size 8 in Europe, and size 10 in Australia. The size 28 also applies to children’s clothing, as well as specific brands.

Women's Clothing Size 28

Size 28 is a women’s clothing size, and is typically identified as a size 6 in the US and UK, a size 8 in Europe, and size 10 in Australia. The measurements for size 28 are typically an inch or two larger than a size 6. The exact measurements depend on the brand, so it’s important to check the measurements for size 28 for each brand.

Men's Clothing Size 28

Size 28 is not typically used for men’s clothing, as men’s sizes are usually identified using S, M, L, and XL. However, some brands may use size 28 for men’s clothing. If this is the case, the measurements for size 28 will be larger than size S, but smaller than size M.

Kid's Clothing Size 28

Size 28 is a size typically used for children’s clothing. It is typically identified as a size 6 in the US and UK, a size 8 in Europe, and size 10 in Australia. The measurements for size 28 can vary depending on the brand, so it’s important to check the measurements for size 28 for each brand.

Brands That Use Size 28

Some brands use size 28 for both men’s and women’s clothing. These include brands such as American Apparel, ASOS, and Urban Outfitters. It’s important to check the size chart for each brand to ensure that you are getting the correct size.


Size 28 is a sizing system used to identify clothing sizes for women, men, and children. It is typically identified as a size 6 in the US and UK, a size 8 in Europe, and size 10 in Australia. Some brands may use size 28 for both men’s and women’s clothing, so it’s important to check the measurements for size 28 for each brand.

Frequently Asked Questions

What size is 28 clothing? Size 28 is a sizing system used to identify clothing sizes for women, men, and children. It is typically identified as a size 6 in the US and UK, a size 8 in Europe, and size 10 in Australia.

What brands use size 28? Some brands that use size 28 for both men’s and women’s clothing include American Apparel, ASOS, and Urban Outfitters. It’s important to check the size chart for each brand to ensure that you are getting the correct size.

What size is 28 in US? Size 28 is typically identified as a size 6 in the US.

What size is 28 in UK? Size 28 is typically identified as a size 6 in the UK.

What size is 28 in Europe? Size 28 is typically identified as a size 8 in Europe.

What size is 28 in Australia? Size 28 is typically identified as a size 10 in Australia.

What size is 28 for kids? Size 28 is typically identified as a size 6 in the US and UK, a size 8 in Europe, and size 10 in Australia for children’s clothing.

What is size 28 for women? Size 28 is typically identified as a size 6 in the US and UK, a size 8 in Europe, and size 10 in Australia for women’s clothing.

What is size 28 for men? Size 28 is not typically used for men’s clothing, as men’s sizes are usually identified using S, M, L, and XL. However, some brands may use size 28 for men’s clothing.

What is the difference between size 28 and size 6? The measurements for size 28 are typically an inch or two larger than a size 6. The exact measurements depend on the brand, so it’s important to check the measurements for size 28 for each brand.