Alone Season 4: How Far Did The Partners Have To Hike? Source:

Alone is a popular American adventure reality TV series that first aired in 2015. The show follows a group of ten participants who are dropped in the wilderness and tasked with surviving for as long as possible. In the fourth season of Alone, the participants had to hike further than they ever had before in order to find food, water and shelter. In this article, we will look at how far the partners had to hike during Alone season 4 and what challenges they faced along the way.

Hiking Challenges During Alone Season 4

The participants in Alone season 4 had to hike further than ever before in order to find food, water, and shelter. The terrain was difficult and they had to traverse several miles in order to find what they needed. There were also several natural obstacles that they had to overcome in order to make it to their destinations. These included steep inclines, deep valleys, and thick forests that made it difficult to navigate through.

The participants also had to contend with the cold temperatures and harsh weather conditions that were present in the wilderness. There were times when they had to travel through snow and ice in order to reach their destinations. This made it even more difficult to complete their hikes and find the resources they needed.

How Far Did the Partners Have to Hike?

The partners in Alone season 4 had to hike a total of 124 miles in order to find food, water, and shelter. This was a significant increase from the previous seasons, which only required the participants to hike a total of 80 miles. The participants had to hike through difficult terrain and harsh weather conditions in order to reach their destinations. This made the hikes even more challenging and increased the risk of injury or even death.

The participants also had to contend with the wildlife in the area. This included predators such as bears, wolves, and cougars. The participants had to be extremely careful when hiking in order to avoid any potential danger. They also had to be mindful of their surroundings and take every precaution necessary to stay safe.

What Were the Biggest Challenges During Alone Season 4?

The biggest challenge during Alone season 4 was the long hikes that the participants had to take in order to find food, water, and shelter. The terrain was difficult and the weather conditions were harsh, making it even more difficult to complete the hikes. The partners also had to contend with predators, which posed a threat to their safety.

The participants also had to contend with the lack of supplies that they had. They did not have access to modern technology or medical care, and they had to rely on their own survival skills in order to survive. This made the hikes even more difficult as they had to rely on their own knowledge and skills in order to stay safe and find what they needed.

What Were the Benefits of the Long Hikes During Alone Season 4?

The long hikes during Alone season 4 allowed the participants to get a better understanding of the area and the environment. They were able to explore further and find resources that they would not have been able to find otherwise. The hikes also allowed them to get some much-needed exercise, which helped them to stay in shape and remain healthy.

The hikes also allowed the participants to bond with each other and form strong relationships. This was beneficial as it allowed them to work together more effectively and find resources more quickly. It also allowed them to rely on each other more, which helped them to stay safe and survive in the wilderness.


The partners in Alone season 4 had to hike a total of 124 miles in order to find food, water, and shelter. This was a significant increase from the previous seasons and posed a variety of challenges for the participants. The biggest challenge was the long hikes that they had to take in order to find resources. The hikes also provided benefits, such as allowing the participants to get a better understanding of the area and bond with each other.

Frequently Asked Questions

How far did the partners have to hike in Alone season 4?

The partners in Alone season 4 had to hike a total of 124 miles in order to find food, water, and shelter.

What were the biggest challenges during Alone season 4?

The biggest challenge during Alone season 4 was the long hikes that the participants had to take in order to find food, water, and shelter. The terrain was difficult and the weather conditions were harsh, making it even more difficult to complete the hikes. The partners also had to contend with predators, which posed a threat to their safety.

What were the benefits of the long hikes during Alone season 4?

The long hikes during Alone season 4 allowed the participants to get a better understanding of the area and the environment. They were able to explore further and find resources that they would not have been able to find otherwise. The hikes also allowed them to get some much-needed exercise, which helped them to stay in shape and remain healthy.

What type of terrain did the partners have to hike in during Alone season 4?

The partners in Alone season 4 had to hike through difficult terrain in order to find food, water, and shelter. This included steep inclines, deep valleys, and thick forests that made it difficult to navigate through.

What type of weather conditions did the partners have to contend with during Alone season 4?

The participants in Alone season 4 had to contend with cold temperatures and harsh weather conditions that were present in the wilderness. There were times when they had to travel through snow and ice in order to reach their destinations. This made it even more difficult to complete their hikes and find the resources they needed.

What type of predators did the participants have to contend with during Alone season 4?

The participants in Alone season 4 had to contend with wildlife in the area, including predators such as bears, wolves, and cougars. The participants had to be extremely careful when hiking in order to avoid any potential danger.

Did the partners have access to modern technology or medical care during Alone season 4?

No, the partners did not have access to modern technology or medical care during Alone season 4. They had to rely on their own survival skills in order to survive.

What type of relationships did the participants form during Alone season 4?

The long hikes during Alone season 4 allowed the participants to bond with each other and form strong relationships. This was beneficial as it allowed them to work together more effectively and find resources more quickly.

How did the hikes during Alone season 4 help the participants stay healthy?

The hikes during Alone season 4 allowed the participants to get some much-needed exercise, which helped them to stay in shape and remain healthy.

What type of resources were the participants able to find during Alone season 4?

The participants in Alone season 4 were able to find food, water, and shelter during their hikes. They were also able to explore further and find resources that they would not have been able to find otherwise.