Are Hammerhead Sharks Mammals Or Fish? Source:

Are Hammerhead Sharks Mammals or Fish?

Hammerhead sharks are one of the most recognizable and unique looking creatures in the ocean. They are also one of the most mysterious and least understood animals in the marine world. This article will look into the debate of whether hammerhead sharks are mammals or fish and answer the question once and for all.

What Is a Hammerhead Shark?

A hammerhead shark is a species of shark that is classified under the taxonomic family Sphyrnidae. They are found in tropical and warm temperate seas worldwide, and are known for their unique head shape. Hammerhead sharks have long, flat heads with eyes on either side, giving them a hammer-like appearance. The eyes of a hammerhead shark are wide-set, which allows them to have a 360-degree field of vision. Hammerhead sharks are generally medium-sized, with some species reaching up to 20 feet in length.

Are Hammerhead Sharks Mammals or Fish?

The debate of whether hammerhead sharks are mammals or fish has been ongoing for many years. Hammerhead sharks are classified as fish due to their gill-breathing, cold-blooded nature, and lack of mammary glands. They also have a cartilaginous skeleton, which is typical of fish. In addition, hammerhead sharks lay eggs rather than giving birth to live young, which is another trait that is more common in fish than mammals.

What Sets Hammerhead Sharks Apart From Other Fish?

Despite being classified as fish, hammerhead sharks have several adaptations that set them apart from other fish. For instance, hammerhead sharks have a very large and complex brain, which is much larger than the brains of other fish. They also have an enlarged area of the brain that is dedicated to smell, which is much larger than the olfactory bulbs of other fish.

In addition, hammerhead sharks have two sets of eyes, one on either side of their head, which gives them a unique advantage when hunting. This gives them a wider field of vision, allowing them to spot their prey more easily.

Do Hammerhead Sharks Nurse Their Young?

Another trait that sets hammerhead sharks apart from other fish is the fact that they are viviparous, meaning that they give birth to live young. However, unlike mammals, hammerhead sharks do not nurse their young. Instead, the mother gives birth to fully-developed pups, who are then left to fend for themselves.

What Do Hammerhead Sharks Eat?

Hammerhead sharks are carnivores, meaning that they feed on other animals. Their diet consists mainly of fish, squid, and octopus, as well as crustaceans such as crabs and shrimp. They also occasionally feed on other sharks, sea turtles, and even seabirds.

Are Hammerhead Sharks Endangered?

Sadly, hammerhead sharks are considered to be vulnerable to extinction due to overfishing and other human activities. They are particularly vulnerable to bycatch in fishing nets, and their slow rate of reproduction means that they are unable to keep up with the rate of depletion in the wild. As such, it is important that action is taken to protect hammerhead sharks in order to ensure that they do not become endangered in the future.


In conclusion, hammerhead sharks are classified as fish due to their gill-breathing, cold-blooded nature, and lack of mammary glands. However, they have several adaptations that set them apart from other fish, such as their large and complex brains, wide-set eyes, and the fact that they are viviparous. They are also vulnerable to overfishing, and it is important that action is taken to protect them from extinction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Are hammerhead sharks dangerous to humans?

A: Hammerhead sharks are generally not considered to be dangerous to humans, and attacks on humans are extremely rare. However, it is important to be cautious when swimming in areas where they are known to inhabit, as they can be unpredictable and may become aggressive if provoked.

Q: What kind of habitat do hammerhead sharks prefer?

A: Hammerhead sharks prefer warm, shallow waters near the coasts, such as coral reefs and estuaries. They are also known to inhabit deeper waters, and have been observed as deep as 6,000 feet.

Q: What is the average lifespan of a hammerhead shark?

A: The average lifespan of a hammerhead shark is around 25 years, although some individuals have been known to live up to 40 years in captivity.

Q: How big do hammerhead sharks get?

A: The size of a hammerhead shark depends on the species. The smallest species, the bonnethead shark, can reach a maximum size of around 3 feet, while the largest species, the great hammerhead, can reach up to 20 feet in length.

Q: Are hammerhead sharks endangered?

A: Hammerhead sharks are considered to be vulnerable to extinction due to overfishing and other human activities. As such, it is important that action is taken to protect them from becoming endangered in the future.

Q: How many species of hammerhead shark are there?

A: There are nine recognized species of hammerhead shark, which are grouped into two genera: Sphyrna and Eusphyra. The most common species are the scalloped hammerhead, bonnethead, and great hammerhead.

Q: What is the difference between hammerhead sharks and other species of shark?

A: Hammerhead sharks are distinguished from other species of shark by their unique head shape, wide-set eyes, and enlarged olfactory bulbs. They also have a more complex brain than other species of shark, and are viviparous, meaning that they give birth to live young.